
As described in the SALC Terms & Conditions the following cancellation terms may apply dependant on your request.

Cooling-off Period – Accredited Training Courses

Accredited Training courses, we offer a 10-business day cooling off period, during which participants may request a refund (less a non-refundable deposit). However, after the 10 business days have elapsed, we will not be able to provide a refund on course fees. Refer to the Fees and Refund Policy and Procedure for further information.
We encourage our participants to carefully consider their decision before enrolling in our courses, as we take our commitment to delivering high-quality training seriously. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Cancellation fees – Short courses

For our corporate and short course training programs, we have a cancellation policy in place to ensure that we can effectively manage our resources and provide high-quality services to all our clients.

  1. If the enrolment of a participant on a SALC short training course is cancelled, the following charges are payable:
    Notice period before date of service Fee to be charged
    • 48 hours or more before training
    No charges
    • 24 – 48 hours before training
    50% of training services fee
    • 24 hours before training
    100% of training services fee
  2. For the purposes of these terms, a “Business Day” is a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in South Australia.

  3. Where applicable, any refunds will have the relevant cancellation fee deducted prior to being refunded.
  4. For Staff and Contractors only:
    • A transfer request may be submitted to SALC prior to the commencement of the training service. The approval of such a request is at the discretion of SALC.
    • A transfer request allows the enrolled Participant to transfer to the same training service on a different date or transfer to a completely new training service.
    • Cancellation fees may apply depending on the timing of the transfer request.