
Privacy Policy

We value your privacy

The South Australian Learning Centre is committed to protecting your privacy. All information provided to us will remain confidential and protected. It will be used only as outlined below.

We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of our website users’ personal information.

We adhere to the Australian National Privacy Principles as contained in the Privacy Act 1988.

If you enter any personal information on the South Australian Learning Centre website, we will keep your personal information confidential and secure.

All of your information is kept in a location that is protected by secure servers. Personal information will not be disclosed without your consent; the only exception to this is where we would be required by law to do so.

We do not accept responsibility for the use of any information that has been obtained through unauthorised access.


What information do we collect?
The South Australian Learning Centre may ask you for the following information:

  • Contact information (name, address, email address)
  • Personal details such as date of birth
  • Credit card numbers and/or bank account details

It is your choice how much of this information you provide. All information is held securely.

We collect this information to:

  • Process payments and provide receipts
  • Maintain accurate details of our students’ history with the organisation
  • Keep students informed about our work

To ensure your privacy is protected, information from your record will not be disclosed or altered unless requested by you. We collect data such as your date of birth so we can use it to confirm your identity when you contact us. If you wish to allow another person to access your details (e.g. family member) you need to notify the South Australian Learning Centre in writing and we will note this on your record.

At times, we use external providers to help us produce our communications. We require these providers to sign an agreement to keep your personal information confidential and secure.

Personal information about students studying with the South Australian Learning Centre may be shared with the Australian Government and designated authorities, such as Australian Apprenticeship Centres (AACs) and Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and circumstances related to funding (if applicable).

We use Google Analytics to track visits to our website. We use this information to track the effectiveness of our website. Types of data collected include visits, length of visit, viewed pages and the technical capabilities of our visitors. These statistics will not identify you as an individual. For more information read Google’s Privacy Policy.

Please note, in some areas of our website links to other sites can be found. These sites are not controlled by Minda Incorporated and therefore we cannot take responsibility for their content, claims of offer or privacy practices.

The South Australian Learning Centre will provide you with the opportunity to opt out of receiving future communications from us.


Course payment

The online facility for course payment to the South Australian Learning Centre is secure and encrypted, and data stored on the organisations’ computers is password protected. The organisation will not use or release information about individual visits to the website, or information that you may provide electronically to any other organisation, person or group without your express consent.


Student information
The South Australian Learning Centre is committed to protecting your privacy.

We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (and subsequent amendments) and the Code of Fair Information Practice (COFI) (Department of Health SA).

What type of information does the South Australian Learning Centre collect and why?
In order to provide a service to you, the South Australian Learning Centre may ask you for personal information, such as your name, address, date of birth, health, finances, and/or your family/social situation. This information allows us to make contact with you in future and to understand your needs so that we can provide appropriate services.

You have a right to withhold your personal information from the South Australian Learning Centre.

How is my information stored?
Information is filed in a safe and secure manner in a locked storage cabinet or password-locked in a computer.

Who can the South Australian Learning Centre share my information with?

  • People you have expressly permitted us to share your information with, or where your permission is implied
  • Third parties as required by law, such as the police or courts
  • Other South Australian Learning Centre staff for training, development and administrative purposes
  • Other agencies for statistical purposes, in a format which will not identify you

Can I access and/or correct the personal information held on file about me?

Individuals have the right to access or obtain a copy of the personal information that the South Australian Learning Centre holds about them. Requests to access or obtain a copy of personal information must be made in writing and sent to; PO Box 5, Brighton SA 5048.

There is no charge for a student to access personal information that the South Australian Learning Centre holds about them; however there may be a charge of 20cents per page for every page that is copied. Individuals will be advised of how they may access or obtain a copy of their personal information and the applicable fees within ten (10) days of receiving their written request.

There are some exemptions relating to access within the Privacy Act 1988 and Code of Fair Information Practice (COFI).

Can I make an amendment to my records?

A student has the right to make a request to make amendments to the records held by the organisation if these records are in the student's opinion incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.

The South Australian Learning Centre is committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy and security of all student information and will not exchange, rent or otherwise share contact details with another person or body corporate without the express written consent of the student.

Relevant legislation and standards:
Privacy Act 1988, Freedom of Information Act 1991, standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2012


To access or change your details, for further information about the privacy statement or to register an issue in relation to the way the South Australian Learning Centre has dealt with your privacy, please contact us on:

Tel: 8209 2800
Email: salc@minda.asn.au
Mail: PO Box 5, Brighton SA 5048
Fax: 8422 6330

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can then refer the matter to the Privacy Commissioner (Commonwealth Government Office of the Privacy Commissioner).

Tel: 1300 363 992