About SALC


Minda Inc.
Rogerson/SALC Building
12-16 King George Ave
North Brighton SA 5048

Opening hours

8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday

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How to get to SALC

SALC is located in the Rogerson Building on the Minda site at North Brighton. It is the single-storey bluestone building with a large lawn and rotunda out front.

Enter at the Southern Entrance off King George Ave and drive approx. 300 metres to reach the carpark on the right-hand side. SALC/Rogerson building is a short walk from here.


Parking is available on site at several locations. We recommend parking in the parking lot off the Southern Entrance from King George Ave, which is closest to the Rogerson/SALC Training Building.

Please secure your vehicle and any loose items in utilities or trucks as the car parks are not patrolled and are open for general entry during the day.

Please note: parking a vehicle in a SALC carpark is at the owner’s risk

Public transport

The Hove and Brighton train stations are about a 20-minute walk from SALC.

Bus routes are available along King George Ave and Brighton Road.